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Main page » About us


The company was established at the beginning of the year 1993 as an independent consulting and counselling organization that provides consultation if the sphere of quality, safety and environmental protection.

Since the half of the year 1995, the firm has been a limited liability company and has been active in the sphere of quality, environmental protection and safety, especially in preparation of companies for certification of industry, business and service conformity to ISO standards of the line 9000, as well as ISO line 1400 and OHSAS line 18000.

Regarding these certifications, Quality Centrum, s r. o. cooperates exclusively with global certification organizations and employs only EOQ accredited staff.

Quality Centrum, spol. s r. o. puts the same emphasis on quality, safety and environmental protection in its activities regarding industry as well as services. Means used by Quality Centrum, spol. s r. o. are apart from consultancy also trainings, audits, inspections and counselling.
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